Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Blogging, Social Media & Networking

Chersti Nieveen came to talk to us about about blogging, and social media tonight. It was great how much she told us about twitter and blogging.

Look at the people who are successful and see what they are doing:
Here's a great example of a successful writer's blog:
Her blog helped sell her book

The blog shows her writing style. She talks about her kids, her life, a little bit about her writing. But its really about getting to know you. It’s all about connecting to other people. It’s all about presenting yourself. You have to go and find other blogs and comment on them, and become friends with those other bloggers. It’s all about networking.
Blog about something that is genuine, something unique about you.
Often – if you don’t blog once a month, don’t blog
You want to connect with your readers

  1.     Lotsa followers
  2.    Quality followers/following
  3.     Inform yourself

  • Writing community on twitter is pretty close
  • You can meet agents and people on twitter
You want more people to follow you, and you follow a fewer amount, but
1000 followers, 1500 u following – that’s okay

Some common hashtags:  #askagent   #amwriting  #amediting

Use the things that are going viral to help you. i.e. writers are doing #mustachesformaddie and that’s going you could post on twitter your picture and be a part of it..
#bookbirthday – you celebrate the book’s birthday when it is published
Do not dis anybody, do not dis any writers or agents or anything.
Be very positive & encouraging.
If you’re going to use twitter, you should use it several times a week. If they aren’t
People are selfish – give them something. If you’re funny, you’re giving them humor. You could give them advice..You could share cool things about writing. Just be doing twitter all the time, and get on and check it super often. You want to be able to get on very often – especially when you’re growing. So when someone responds to your tweet or something, you can respond back quickly – people will follow you more if you’re active.  Don’t just say “my book is this, go look at it!”. Give to other people.

Twitter Pitches: Pitching your book in 140 characters.  There's lots of great advice here on
*Find contests for doing pitches for your book. Sometimes you can put several pitches, so you can try that too. :)
Find these on twitter,, or

1 comment:

  1. The blog that has contests every month is: (Authoress) -- it's pretty awesome, so check it out.
