Current Contests:
Winning Writers' Sports Fiction/Essay contest (May 31)
Original Writing Competition - for Utah residents (June 27)
Bulwer-Lytton Single Sentence Fiction contest *(June 30th)
*You can submit as many entries as you want, Entries are only one sentence.*
Autumn House Press* (postmarked June 30th)
This contest includes a fiction section where you can submit your entire NOVEL of 200-300 pages, as well as poetry and non-fiction sections.
*Autumn House Press accepts first-time writers through contests like this, and the winner gets their novel published*
Ongoing Contests:
*Writer's Digest has many contests going on, see the list here!
Writer of the Future Contest - this has 4 quarters of the year:
October 1, January 1, April 1 and July 1 usually has small contests going on on their website. You can see their contests here.
Fiction Contests Blog - has contests with due dates throughout the year, check it out!
Past Contests, in case you want to remember or look for them for next year:
Tom Howard / Margaret Reid Poetry Contest (Sept 30th)
Writer's Digest Sci-fi and Fantasy Writing Contest (Oct 15) *
Writer's Digest Young Adult Fiction Contest (Oct 15) *
Western Humanities 2013 Writing Contest (Oct 31) - poetry or prose
Also, their facebook page here.
Writers At Work Fellowship Competition (Nov 15, 2013 - Jan 15, 2014)
First Crime Novel 2014 Competition (Dec 16)
Highlights Fiction Contest Guidelines (Postmarked between January 1 - January 31)