Thanks to Mossy for the notes on Brandon Mull's lecture here at BYU this month.
**Day Dreaming & Imagination**
We've all heard that all the stories have been told, that there's nothing new.
Solution? Remix it like a dj.
Take old concepts (i.e. journey to go get an apple from the garden) and put a twist. Remix, recycle, reuse old material adapted to new forms. So it's not really new, but it's new to the readers.
Voice: Every writer has a voice unique to them.
Critique from others: Think about it, don't dismiss it right off, take some of what people say. Sometimes his editor would suggest huge changes, but thinking about things for a few days might make you realize it's a fabulous suggestion that really improves your book.
Write what you love, what you want to read, and what you think is awesome. You should put your all into it. Optimal area for action - it's probably what you know best.